


The latin word for kiwi fruit is “Actinidia deliciosa” and the fruit is nated to China. It’s first name was “Chinese GooseBerry”, but was renamed as “melonette” and then as “kiwi fruit” because of marketing reasons.  The most common type of kiwi has an oval shape, the size of a goose egg, about 5–8 cm / 2–3 in long and 4.5–5.5 cm / 1¾–2 in diameter and the colour varies from green to brown. The flesh has a unique texture and flavour, green or yellow coloured, with small black seeds inside .

Kiwi fruit can be eaten whole or as pealed and sliced. It contains 1.5 times the daily recommended amount of vitamin C, and almost as much potassium as a banana, and also vitamins A and C. Not to mention the skin, that is a rich source of flavonoid antioxidants.  Also the seed oil contains more than 50%  an omega-3 fatty acid and dietary fiber.

For people who want to have it in their garden it is necessary to mentions that, because of the unattractiveness of the bees for its flowers, the plant is difficult to pollinate. Kiwi is a vigorous, woody, climbing plant. A trellising system is necessary when cultivating such plants.

Studies have shown that the fruit has also healing powers. Kiwi fruits are used in improving conditions of asthmatic children, and in decreasing the probability of colon cancer by providing a good amount of dietary fiber. Also consuming kiwifruits can reduce by 36% the risk of developing an eye-related disease called ARMD (the primary cause of vision impairment in adults).